Someone thinks she’s a vixen who stole my man?? Why are you twisting words to stir up drama for something long over?

To the one trying to portray she is some kind of “vixen who stole my man,” um, we were apart and done when you hooked up, as my posts clearly state, although you and T were still together. Since you included links to the old news, readers will see that my posts DO NOT say what you say I said. I never alleged you met in person before you did. You twist words to stir up drama and attention, as he does.  I’m glad you found each other. He and I never intended anything long term but friendship, honesty and soul work.  I called him that nickname because he told me he loved it, that it made him happy for everyone to think of him as being joyful.  You and he are much more suitably paired.  I wish for you only what I wish for me, to be left alone to enjoy my peaceful, happy life. If you are so happy, why are you still focused on me months later?  I merely responded to his false claim I got him kicked off Facebook. I don’t care who he’s with, we were no longer together nor want to be. We want different lives. I have no issue with you, we don’t run in the same circles nor do the same work, and I won’t be reading your pages. Now you want to be thought of as a vixen?  Vixen definition: A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious.  You know yourself best, however it’s likely just another example of why you shouldn’t use a word or speak on topics you aren’t actually familiar with until you educate yourself.   It must have taken hours to write that post and include all the links to what would be old news except you keep bringing it up to stay in the spotlight.  Lighten up, be together, have fun, live happy lives focusing on each other, not on me. The best is yet to be.

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