Solar Flares Causing Our Anxiety? Or Just Life?

I”m fairly mellow, so anxiety is something I only infrequently experience. Friends say it’s related to the solar flares we’re having right now.  Call it what you will, but I figure, like that great sage Roseanne Roseannadana, said, “It’s always something.”   After a few days of personal anxiety (I wrote about it here I get relief from my acute anxiety and here Another Mother of a Shakti Crash,)  I wrote yesterday on Facebook:   “Sigh, it’s only 9:00am on Wednesday, can all my bipolar pals please stop bonking out all at once, I am of no use to you today, trust me.” 

I know when I am feeling psychologically stressed or emotionally depleted, I am not dialed in to my guidance system.  It’s like I’m at 560AM and guidance, intuition and good sense reside way up the dial at FM 98.9.  The only way I can be of any use to myself or anyone else is to be tuned in to inner guidance.  That’s when I make the good decisions, that’s when the new insights come, that’s when solutions present themselves, that’s when the waves part and the way is made clear.

If I’m such a know it all, then how come I’m not tuned in and relaxed all the time?  Why do trained, experienced tightrope walkers ever topple?  Because life is a balancing act.

So it doesn’t matter whether my attention is on the solar flares or the economy or the end of the Mayan calendar or any alleged approaching doom du jour. It can simply be a little concern over an elder sister passing, helping family members navigate the legal system, or friends overcoming health events.  Whatever it is, if I let it pile up on me when I’m not myself full fueled, I have nothing to offer them and I deplete my own system.

How do I remedy a depleted system?  I make myself sit and take deep breaths with slow exhales, I go walking, I exercise, I find something delightful to watch, for me it’s somewhere in nature, or even watching the ducks in the pond at Walmart.  Sit outside and watch the clouds.  Get outside the electrical box that is my house and spend just a little while sitting or walking in nature.  And for me, meditation is key.

Experience has taught me that when I am emotionally content, prayed up and focused, I am very powerful indeed.  And this week?  This week I’m powerful enough to know to keep to myself to recupe and regroup.

.25 Xanax update:  One calms the anxiety for about 8 hours however the prescribed 3 before bedtime had me up in 4 hours, however it was 4 hours in a row asleep so hurray for that!

RELATED:  A list of meditation’s positive effect on some of your body’s chemicals