Restless Legs Syndrome Associated with Iron Insufficiency

Yesterday I began taking ferrous sulfate elixir, an iron supplement.  I wrote about it here.  That night I had a good sleep and also complex dreams.  When I woke up, I Googled “ferrous sulfate” and “sleep” and found that indeed people report sleeping better when they begin taking it for iron insufficiency.  I also found that it’s a good remedy for Restless Leg Syndrome in people who need iron.  While I don’t have that, I know people who do.  A good article is below.  

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment

The first step in treating a patient who complains of sleeplessness and restless legs syndrome is to try to improve sleep and eliminate possible causes of restless legs syndrome (RLS). Doctors normally try to achieve these goals without the use of drugs, initially. A non-drug approach is a particularly important first step for elderly patients.

* The doctor should first try to treat any underlying medical conditions that may be causing restless legs.
* If medications may be causing RLS, the doctor should try to prescribe alternatives, if possible.

If the cause cannot be determined, it is best to first try better sleep habits and relaxation methods. These approaches may help, even if the patient needs medications later on.
Lifestyle Changes

Some people report help or relief from restless legs syndrome with the following behaviors or devices:

* Taking hot baths or using cold compresses.
* Stopping smoking.
* Getting enough exercise during the day.
* Doing calf stretching exercises at bedtime.
* Using Ergonomic measures — for example, patients might find it useful to work at a high stool, where they can dangle their legs. In meetings or during air travel, it is helpful to have an aisle seat.
* Changing sleep patterns — some patients report that symptoms do not occur if they sleep late in the morning. Therefore, if feasible, patients can try changing sleep patterns.
* Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine also improves some cases of RLS.

Some patients recommend alternative treatments for RLS, such as acupuncture and massage. To date, however, there is not enough data on the effectiveness of these treatments.
Dietary Iron

Because restless legs syndrome is associated with iron insufficiency, people with the condition should get enough iron from their diet. Iron is found in foods either in the form of heme or non-heme iron:

* Foods containing heme iron are the best for increasing or maintaining healthy iron levels. Such foods include (in decreasing order of iron-richness) clams, oysters, organ meats, beef, pork, poultry, and fish.
* Non-heme iron is less well absorbed. About 60% of the iron in meat is non-heme (although meat itself helps absorb non-heme iron). Eggs, dairy products, and iron-containing vegetables (including dried beans and peas) have only the non-heme form. Other sources of non-heme iron include iron-fortified cereals, bread, and pasta products, dark green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, mustard greens, kale), dried fruits, nuts, and seeds.

Iron Supplements

Iron supplements can significantly reduce symptoms in people with restless legs syndrome who are also iron deficient. Patients should use them only when dietary measures have failed. Iron supplements do not appear to be useful for RLS patients with normal or above normal iron levels.

Supplement Forms. To replace iron, the preferred forms of iron tablets are ferrous salts, usually ferrous sulfate (Feosol, Fer-In-Sol, Mol-Iron). Other forms include ferrous fumarate (Femiron, FerroSequels, Feostat, Fumerin, Hemocyte, Ircon), ferrous gluconate (Fergon, Ferralet, Simron), polysaccharide-iron complex (Niferex, Nu-Iron), and carbonyl iron (Elemental Iron, Feosol Caplet, Ferra-Cap). Specific brands and forms may have certain advantages. The following are some examples:

Regimen. A reasonable approach for patients with RLS is to take 65 mg of iron (or 325 mg of ferrous sulfate) along with 100 mg of vitamin C on an empty stomach, 3 times a day.

IMPORTANT: As few as 3 adult iron tablets can poison, and even kill, children. This includes any form of iron pill. No one, not even adults, should take a double dose of iron if they miss one dose.

Tips for taking iron are:

* For best absorption, take iron between meals. (Iron may cause stomach and intestinal disturbances, however. Some experts believe that you can take low doses of ferrous sulfate with food and avoid the side effects.)
* Always drink a full 8 ounces of fluid with an iron pill.
* Keep tablets in a cool place. Bathroom medicine cabinets may be too warm and humid, which may cause the pills to disintegrate.

Side Effects. Common side effects of iron supplements include the following:

* Constipation and diarrhea — these are rarely severe, although iron tablets can aggravate existing digestive problems such as ulcers and ulcerative colitis.
* Nausea and vomiting may occur with high doses, but you can control this by taking smaller amounts. Switching to ferrous gluconate may help some people with severe digestive problems.
* Black stools are normal when taking iron tablets. In fact, if they do not turn black, the tablets may not be working effectively. This tends to be a more common problem with coated or long-acting iron tablets.
* If the stools are tarry looking as well as black, if they have red streaks, or if cramps, sharp pains, or soreness in the stomach occurs, bleeding in the digestive tract may be causing the iron deficiency, and the patient should call the doctor immediately.
* Acute iron poisoning is rare in adults, but can be fatal in children who take adult-strength tablets.

Interactions With Other Drugs. Certain medications, including antacids, can reduce iron absorption.

Iron tablets may also reduce the effectiveness of other drugs, including:

* Antibiotics: tetracycline, penicillamine, and ciprofloxacin
* Anti-Parkinson’s disease drugs: methyldopa, levodopa, and carbidopa

At least 2 hours should elapse between doses of these drugs and doses of iron supplements.


Exercise earlier in the day may be one of the best ways to achieve healthy sleep. Vigorous exercise and stimulation within 1 – 2 hours of bed time may worsen restless legs syndrome (RLS). A study found that people who walked briskly for 30 minutes, four times a week, improved minor sleep disturbances after 4 months. Regular, moderate exercise, healthful in any case, may help prevent RLS. Patients report that either bursts of excessive energy or long sedentary periods worsen symptoms.
Pneumatic Compression Device

Pneumatic compression devices wrap an inflatable cuff around the legs. This cuff is attached to a device which then increases pressure around the legs. It is worn for at least an hour, generally around the time symptoms usually begin. Smaller studies have shown it improve symptoms of restless leg syndrome in some patients.
Managing Nocturnal Leg Cramps

Once a cramp begins, straighten the leg, flex the foot upward toward the knee, or grab the toes and pull them toward the knee.

Walking or shaking the affected leg, then elevating it, may also help.

If soreness persists, a warm bath or shower or an ice pack may bring relief.

Lifestyle Tips for Preventing Nocturnal Leg Cramps. Nighttime leg cramps are generally treated with lifestyle changes.

* Everyone with leg cramps should drink plenty of water (at least 6 – 8 glasses daily) to maintain adequate fluid levels.
* Pregnant women and others who get legs cramps due to low calcium levels should reduce milk intake, because drinking milk does not correct the underlying imbalances in calcium and phosphorus. Instead, they should have a medical exam to determine why calcium levels are low.
* To prevent cramps from occurring, nightly stretching exercises may be the best preventive measure (these are generally recommended for RLS, as well). Patients should stand about 30 inches from a wall and, keeping the heels flat on the floor, lean forward and slowly move the hands up the wall to achieve a comfortable stretch. A few minutes on a stationary bicycle at bedtime may also help.
* While in bed, loose covers should be used to prevent the toes and feet from pointing, which causes calf muscles to contract and cramp. Propping the feet up higher than the torso may also help.
* During the week, swimming and water exercises are a good way to keep muscles stretched, and wearing supportive footwear is also important.

Quinine. Quinine had been widely used to prevent leg cramping. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned its sale over the counter because it reportedly caused some serious, although rare, side effects. These side effects include bleeding problems and heart irregularities. Other, less serious side effects include headaches, vision problems, and rash.

The FDA has since banned the marketing of most quinine drugs, cautioning against the off-label (non-approved) use of the drug to treat RLS. Only one form of the drug, Qualaquin, is approved for sale, for the treatment of some types of malaria. Pregnant women and those with liver problems should avoid quinine in any form.

Supplements. Some small studies indicate that the mineral magnesium, taken as magnesium citrate or magnesium lactate, may provide some benefit to people with leg cramps, including pregnant women.

In one small study, taking vitamin B complex was helpful. Other supplements tried for leg cramps include vitamin E, calcium, and potassium or sodium chloride, but these do not appear to be very effective. Sodium chloride (salt) may be helpful, but Western diets already contain too much sodium.

Original article here

RELATED:  What I’m doing to increase the iron in my body
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