Reminding you of what you already know

We’re human.  It’s easy to let ourselves get caught up in the astral body tug of war. Have fun in it but remind yourself of what’s real. You know better than to keep playing the victim, on any level. You know that telling that sad story doesn’t help you, it does not matter if it’s true. Stop giving it any power. That’s not who you are anymore, until you recreate it anew each day. Feeling misunderstood, not supported, the same old same old happening all over again? Stop making decisions that give you those results.  Step out of the vibe of the people there with you. Stop pretending you don’t know who you are. Take off the mask of Oh-this-is-who-they-like-the-best-so-this-is-who-I’ll-pretend-to-be. Cut the pretense, clear up the back story, move forward with integrity no matter who around you is doing otherwise. You’ll be placed near those who vibe where you want to be. Take it slowly, don’t let it burn you up this time around.  Don’t give your power over to anyone. Remind yourself that no matter what comes up, you always get thru it.

Experience has proven no one is going to make it happen for you but you.  Stop promising to do things you think someone else wants you to do.  That is just the games people play.

When you stop catering to the wrong people, the ones who want to use you as their own personal boost upward, then the right people will appear like magic. When you drop the ones who don’t pull their own weight, space is made for those eager for the opportunity.

There’s a big difference between making a mistake in an unconscious moment, and purposely contriving one story after another.  When you are around people who do that, you get pulled into their vibe.  If they will do it for you, they will do it to you.

I worked with a good friend years ago. I’d known her for a dozen years.  I thought I knew who she was.  I thought she knew who I was. I thought I could trust her.   Someone had a disagreement with me, and my friend offered to lie to protect me. I know she felt she was being loyal, but I knew I could never trust her again.

Be around people who have no ulterior motive. Be around people who, if you had nothing to offer them but your friendship, would still be around you.  If you didn’t do them favors or feed them or have sex with them or buy them drinks or get them noticed or make their car payment. Who would you end up being around then?

Don’t think any of it is real if it costs you a piece of your soul to keep it in place. Remind yourself that no matter what comes up, you always get thru it, either on your own or your attract assistance in time Stop pretending you don’t know who you are.  You used to know.  I get it. We’re human.  We get wrapped up in the smoke and mirrors.  It’s real, for a minute.  But so much more awaits. You’ve always stopped before now.  You’ve always come this far then fought back to keep from actually making it happen.  You’ve stepped to the ledge before. Isn’t it time to fly off? Your wings are strong. They are only heavy if you don’t use them. You can soar, I promise.

Karmic repercussion and the games people play
Who you are and what you’ve lived is interesting enough
When people fabricate entire conversations