Recognizing when someone is a sacred step on your journey

It’s a special man who understands the depth of a moment in time and how it is such a part of the puzzle and necessary and sacred step on the path to his further destiny.  It’s a wise man who learns from the consequences of his actions so he stops gathering attention and affection just to have something else to conquer.  It’s a humble man who recognizes he’s started something and no matter how softly he tries to end and detach, it has to play out and he has to take his medicine.

It’s a blessed woman who understands the depth of a special moment and how necessary a step on the way to her happy future.  It’s a responsible woman who knows the power of her own enticement and knows when it’s time to have a moment and when it’s time to bow out gracefully.

There are no mistakes when hearts are being ripped open and feelings hurt and people feeling played and betrayed.  If we give people the power to open our heart, we give them the power to wound us and leave us broken.  But it’s only when we’re broken in half and stuck in sh*t do we grow and break free, no longer bound by a pot too small to let us expand into more of who we really are so that we can do more of what we came here to do.  We didn’t come here to have drama and bicker and be jealous and compete.  We came here to do good work together and have fun in the process of it.

And sometimes that fun will lead into special moments in time with special people who are a sacred and essential part of our journey, brief though they may be.  There are no mistakes.  It’s all a part of the process.  It’s all a step on the path.  Recognize when you’re in the midst of these deep, sacred moments because they can be gone in the blink of an eye.  Release them graciously.  I’m honored to share this journey with everyone on it and I honor all the steps I’ve taken or have yet to take.  When you meet anyone, remember it is a holy encounter and in him you will find yourself or lose sight of yourself.  I find myself in everyone I spend a minute with.  May it ever be so.

And when it seems the Universe has snatched someone out of your life, that only means a better match is on the way.  That is, as long as you believe it is.

RELATED: When relationships change
Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian Healing Process