Questions for Wayne Dyer’s 10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace

A friend reminded me of Wayne Dyer’s book 10 Secrets For Success and Inner Peace, Here are some questions. I love answering questions like these because it helps me know who I really am and what I really believe.  After you’ve answered the self discovery questions, here are the 10 secrets.…/10-secrets-of-successful-life    

The Mindset of a Miracle
Chapter 1

1) When have you felt a sense of difficulty “fitting in”? What factors in your life have contributed to this? What has this meant to your spiritual development?

2) What is attachment? What does it mean to “have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing”?

3) How can an attitude of “bewilderment” be useful? (p.6) When should we just make up our minds and know that we know?

4) What fantastic opportunities can you imagine for society in the future? For yourself?

5) What are your favorite ways of opening up your mind?

6) What are your favorite ways of becoming unattached?

7) What does needing to be right do to you?

All You Get Is Now
Chapters 5 and 7

1) What is the “wake” that you have left behind you? (p.69-70)

2) What “poor me” labels have you used to keep yourself a victim? (p. 71) What nostalgia labels
have you used to keep yourself in the past? (p. 72)

3) For what possible good intention could your soul have chosen the most difficult parts of your
personal history?

4) How can you/do you focus on the now?

5) Do you have a right to resent? (p.103)

6) Would you rather be kind or right? (p.108)

7) Are there any unforgivable acts or intentions?

8) How can you “become an observer” and stop judging falsely?

9) When has the power of love triumphed against all odds in your life?

Healing Your Inner Self
Chapters 3 and 10

1) How can you store up positive energy, such as love, so you can give it away? Tell of an
experience when this worked well for you.

2) When have you successfully stopped storing up negative energy, such as hatred? How did you accomplish that?

3) How does service others ultimately fulfill you?

4) What is the difference between power and force?Where in your life do you choose to shift from force to power?

5) How can you let go of guilt? Apathy? Fear?

The Value of Nothing
Chapter 4

1) What can silence do for you? What has it done?

2) How can it be true that “There is no such thing as a bad meditation”? (p.55)

3) What do you like to do during active parts of the day (red lights, etc.) to keep and maintain your center?

4) What is “duality” or “pairs of opposites” and how can you get past duality? Why is it useful for you to do so?

5) What is the difference between KNOWING ABOUT God and KNOWING God? (p. 61)

6) What is your favorite place in nature, locally?

7) What helps you to sleep soundly?

Becoming Inspired
Chapter 2

1) How can you discover your life’s purpose? What do you think your purpose is? How are you expressing it now?

2) When has your intuition guided you successfully? When have you not listened to it and what happened then?

3) When has your guidance used something to tap on your shoulder and get your attention? (p.26)

4) When have you followed Thoreau’s “different drummer” and chosen a direction other than the one chosen for you by others? (pp. 26-27)

5) When do you feel most inspired, or “in spirit”? (p. 28)

6) How can failure be an illusion? (p. 31)

Listening to Your Heart
Chapters 6 and 8

1) What is the true cause of problems? What is the true solution?

2) When have you found a spiritual solution to an everyday problem? What happened?

3) How can you change a relationship from “lousy” to “great”? (p. 90) When have you done that?

4) How can you move from ego and group consciousness to mystical consciousness?

5) What is the difference between information and inspiration? (p. 120)

6) When do you catch people doing things right? (p.125)

7) What is synchronicity and how has it shown up for you? How can you get it to happen more
often? (p. 129)

Embracing Your Divinity
Introduction and Chapter 9

1) How do you define God?

2) What have you been taught about God and by whom. How has this affected you?

3) Why do sometimes feel separate from God? When have you felt this way? What “reconnects” you the most?

4) What is your ego? What is its “game”? What is the relationship between your ego and God?

5) When Jesus asked the Pharisees, “Is it not written in your own laws, ‘You are Gods’”? What do you think he meant by it?

6) How or why can there “be no accidents”? (p,141) Tell of a time when you experienced an accident that wasn’t really an accident. What happened?


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