It’s only that out-of-the-vortex things have your attention, that is what keeps you from being in the vortex

When you’re outside the Vortex, anything and everything can cause an adverse reaction. You’re scrambling around trying to figure out, “It might be this food or that food. I wonder if it’s sugar, or carbs? I’ll bet it’s the wheat, yes, it’s the gluten!” And we say, it’s not any of that. It’s because you’re […]

Which is really more beneficial? Dig deeply and get to the bottom of it, or let it go by ignoring it and happily focusing elsewhere?

Domino has been having anxiety issues due to recent life changes.  Can you dig it?  She’s at the age where elders are beginning to pass, and some sooner than expected.  Like me, she prefers natural methods over drugs but knows when she has an acute situation that needs addressing, she can call in the big guns […]

When you give thought to something, you begin the attraction process of the essence of that subject into your own life experience. Once you have activated a Thought Vibration within yourself by giving your attention to the subject, the progression of expansion occurs. – Abraham-Hicks

How do I know when it’s really over?

In a reading last night, Domino wanted to know if she and her ex were back together again or not.  The last time I spoke with her, they’d had a big blow up fight. He shouted at her, “That’s it, we’re over!” and he moved into a buddy’s apartment.  Since they’re in business together, they […]

Why do specific people come to us?

At the beginning in the audiofile on YouTube for Abraham Hicks – Why do relationships leave us? she answers the more important question: Why do specific people come to us? “They are a manifestation of your vibration, every time. So they come as evidence of what you’re doing vibrationally, every time. They came because I summoned them […]

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001, is turning the computer on and AOL flashing a photo, and me clicking on it.  I briefly watched the news, then began sitting in prayer for those involved. The next few days were updates and stories from those who would typically be in the World Trade Center at […]