My Monday

An excellent day so far, at the gym worked triceps, shoulder and core because my quads are now barking from yesterday #hydrate! I chatted with a few friends, went to the bank and post office, bought a chicken at Walmart, shared with Izzy the big giant kitty. Today’s lunch was chunks of rotisserie chicken and chunks […]

I’ve skipped the gym this week but just worked out core, arms and quads at a friend’s, then came home and did 30 minutes of yoga. My body feels tuned up.  It misses the action when I don’t work out.

New Year’s Eve Musings

This week I’ve been cleaning and rearranging and getting the house back to Andrea order.  I’ve had a house guest the past year and worked around his schedule, which threw my own off. It was awesome to be forced to make changes I would not have otherwise made.  I love that. That keeps the neurons […]

Joe Rogan & Bryan Callen on Haters and Inspiration

Great inspiration!  Partial transcript of Joe Rogan & Bryan Callen on Haters and Inspiration at “The beautiful thing about technology is you can spend your time listening to music and reading about what Lady Gaga wore to the gym, or you can open your mind to a whole world out there.  See someone doing something […]

I’ve been experimenting with coffee for the first time in years

I’ve been experimenting with coffee this week.  That is, I’ve been drinking it and noting how it feels in my body.  It’s definitely a drug.  I remember for 20 years working in law offices having up to 7 cups of coffee throughout the day.  When I began working on my own, with no one to […]

The joy and the yoga of cohabitation

I wrote a few months ago that I’d acquired a roommate after more than a dozen years of self imposed solitary living.  It’s both a joy and a yoga having someone around all the time.  It helps that he’s a best friend and adventure partner as well, and we share many of the same interests. […]

I clear away yet another layer of nonessential stuff

I tackled the decluttering of my shed this morning.  I woke up and briefly debated going to the gym, then remembered I wanted to clean up my shed and get it organized, so I opted to do that.   I did what works best for me when reorganizing:  Take everything out of the room, only […]

Father’s Day and he can’t see his kids

Sunday is Father’s Day.  A friend of mine has two young children and an ex-wife who does everything she can to keep him from them.  This will be a somber Father’s Day for him.  He doesn’t have the funds to keep going back into court to file contempt orders to make her allow him visitation […]

I unearth a years old patio and update it for the 21st century

Sunday I began raking and sweeping outside and unearthed a patio that had been long forgotten and overgrown with grass and weeds.  I woke up and went outside first thing to water the new plantings, as usual.  Almost each day I prune something and stick it in the ground to grow, or move a plant […]

Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

I’d posted on Facebook a friend’s link to some cool ab exercises.  I got a great schooling and hereinafter Ab Day will be CORE STRENGTHENING day.  Jaymz Lockwood illuminated us:   “Ok just got back from the gym and I’m tired of hearing people ramble on with false information. Here is the truth about Abs, […]