I watched Minimalism on Netflix, a documentary about downsizing, getting back to basics and weaned away from excess consumption of resources. It made me walk around and see what in my house I could do without. I’ve been moving furniture around lately. A pal thinks it’s an OCD thang but it’s simply that I thrive on change. When I feel things are getting too stagnant, one quick way I’ve found to stir things up is to empty a room. Take everything out of a room and then one by one decide what to put back in it. Not what ends up being in the room the last 5 years because you don’t know where else to put it. Put back in the room only what you want in there, what serves a purpose. I make a pile of stuff to go to another room. When I’m in the process of doing that, suddenly my mind clicks wider awake and I begin having ideas of new furniture combinations. Continue reading
I program my self talk to attract opportunity
Do you program your self talk? I do it to keep myself focused on goals and motivated on projects. When in my self talk I repeat thoughts of doubt often enough to invoke fear and worry, that’s me putting a crimp in my connection (to Source Energy/God/The Universe.) I program my self talk to help me stay focused in areas I could use some focus and expansion. And the more I focus, the wider my eyes open and the wider my mind opens to encompass new ideas, possibilities and opportunities. What area of your life do you want to expand?
Thich Nhat Hanh on Death
I’ve been rebounding
I’ve been rebounding, moving a cold out of my system. “The lymphatic system, commonly summarized as the “garbage disposal of the body,” relies completely on our conscious movement. Unlike the cardiovascular system with the heart automatically pumping fluid, the lymph system relies on our body movements as a pump. Movement turns on the garbage disposal – without movement that forces the lymphatic fluid to drain, toxins collect stagnantly in the lymph instead of leaving the body. Any type of exercise, such as walking, weight lifting or swimming, helps flush toxins in the lymph. But rebounding is by far the most effective movement therapy for increasing lymph flow and draining toxins from the body.” Good info here –> Benefits of Rebounding and How To Do It Correctly.
I’m not making any resolutions
I’m not making any resolutions but I am fixin’ to consider striving to be more mindful of health and fitness from this date forward, In 2016 I let myself burn out and do too much. I sustained a few injuries and in Aries style I ‘kept working thru them.’ Note to self: don’t do that again. I was going to joke “I’m too old for this sh*t!” but that’s not true. I’m not too old at all, I’ve just let myself sustain injuries due to inconsistent and under educated (self) training and then didn’t give them proper time to heal. They are all finally healing up now and I’m wiser for the lesson.
Mariah Carey fumbled as we all do when cut off from guidance
Even seasoned professionals forget what they know! Mariah Carey clearly waited for cues in her earpiece that she didn’t get. Lesson #1: Guidance doesn’t always come to us in a form we expect. She could have continued syncing but now she couldn’t trust what she heard. She was clearly caught off guard and unprepared to go bareback. We have to let ourselves be present enough in each moment to look for other clues when we feel our primary source of guidance has dried up. The more you look for them, the more you find.
“I’m sorry” to everyone I knew in the 80’s
A FBF messaged me that a friend of hers in Costa Rica told her I used to work for him back in the day. It’s a small world! I remembered him as a super cool attorney I worked for shortly after I moved from Miami to Melbourne, FL. I moved up with a giant bratty attitude so I asked her to tell him I apologize and that I’ve grown up a little bit. Maybe I should just apologize to everyone I knew in the 80’s.
The January 2017 Horizons is online, here are the horoscopes
The January 2017 Horizons is now online at http://horizonsmagazine.com/mags_online/1-17-Issue.pdf. As of 2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.
Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/introducing-horizons-new-astrologer-maya-white/ Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes:
Aaron Heier: It’s your turn to tolerate the ridicule
If this isn’t for you, ignore it. Aaron Heier isn’t a sore loser. He is simply pointing out what has taken place. This isn’t about talk, this is about action. Obama took the Dow from 7,949 to 19,945. I’m hopeful to see where it goes after Jan. 21. I believe we can make it work no matter who is in office. I do not believe this is, as Heier says, a “great American mistake destined to become an embarrassing footnote.” I believe this is an important time in history where we are being called upon to discover the answer to some powerful questions “Why do I stand where I stand? What do I believe in? What solutions can I suggest? Where can I work in my own personal community to help achieve what I believe in? How can I stay mindful during the storm, and bend with the wind so I don’t break?” This is no mistake. This is a powerful time in history to show what we stand for, what we fall for and what we settle for. Learning that about ourselves? Priceless. Aaron Heier writes: Continue reading