Arm is healed! I’m back to playing in the yard.

For the first time in  months I got to play in my yard today. I’ve been babying my left arm and not using it and it’s pretty much healed up completely. So today for the first time in months as I was walking around the yard I reached down and was picking up deadfall and pulling up wedelia as I walked around watering just before sunset. I swept the driveway and raked leaves in the east garden. I took it easy but it was good to do simple ordinary daily things like that again. I cut a few branches of my ginger plant because it was in the pathway between the front door and the shed, but it grows like a weed. I live in Paradise.

Chuck Lorre #541 Big Daddy Can’t Save Us

I love the Chuck Lorre Productions vanity cards after the end of each of their shows. Here’s #541 “Don’t be fooled. Big Daddy can’t save us. Our salvation lies within ourselves. Within our own ingenuity and determined effort. ‘Make America great again’ is a bumper sticker for victimhood. But we are not victims. We are the creators of opportunity. Sure the system’s rigged. It always has been. So what?! We are a nation of immigrants who have consistently ignored the rigging. You won’t let us join your club? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own club. You won’t let us go to your school? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own school. You won’t let us earn money your way? %#&@ you, we’ll earn it our way. You won’t give us a chance here? %#&@ you, we will go elsewhere. You want to know what makes America great? I got two words for you.” Chuck Lorre Productions

Help friends to be hopeful

Some people are very afraid and beginning to panic. We can help by turning their thoughts to more pleasant things. We can ask them to talk about hopes they have for the future, once this situation has passed. We can ask them to recall the happy times in their lives, and get them vibrating in a better feeling place. We can help them be hopeful, because when we are hopeful, we attract a more satisfying experience to ourselves. That’s the most important thing we can do in a crisis.

RELATED: How to be good in a crisis

Don’t panic — turn your thoughts to more pleasant things

Some people are very afraid and beginning to panic. We can help by turning their thoughts to more pleasant things. We can ask them to talk about hopes they have for the future, once this situation has passed. We can ask them to recall the happy times in their lives, and get them vibrating in a better feeling place. We can help them be hopeful, because when we are hopeful, we attract a more satisfying experience to ourselves. That’s the most important thing we can do in a crisis. I wrote about it here –>

My local credit union is a friendly experience!

I’m in the process of switching from Wells Fargo to the credit union and today I made my first deposit into the business account at the credit union. Instead of driving the deposit through, I parked my car and walked inside. There were a couple of people waiting and a couple of others came in after me so there were half a dozen of us standing in the small Lobby. It was easy to make conversation and get to know some new neighbors in the community. It was a good experience.

Feeling insecure and unsafe after recent events?

We experience much suffering when we think we only get one life and one body. Sure, this body you’re in right now, that skin and those bones will die. You’ll go to sleep in that tired worn shell and awaken to find yourself emerging fresh into a new body, once again at the beginning of a life, like a butterfly. We survive in consciousness after the change called death, just as we survive in consciousness after the change called sleep.    Growing up as a child, I was always comforted when my mom would say we would see our loved ones again, they were just on the other side of a wall, kind of like when Abraham says it’s as though they are in another room and soon we will be in that room as well. The butterfly will emerge from the cocoon (we, emerging into the next “life”) ad infinitum. When we understand that, we don’t feel loss when a loved one cocoons, we feel a connection with them no matter what stage they are in, physical or non-physical.

RELATED:  Her perception upon dying
RELATED: The end of death as we know it, What Crossing Over Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition
RELATED:  How to forgive and find closure if the other is unwilling, absent or dead
RELATED:  Get used to death. God would not stop an acorn from growing into an oak, nor a tadpole from becoming a frog
RELATED: Thich Nhat Hanh on death
RELATED:  Rumi on Death

Big Daddy can’t save us — we are not victims

I love the Chuck Lorre Productions vanity cards after the end of each of their shows. Here’s #541 “Don’t be fooled. Big Daddy can’t save us. Our salvation lies within ourselves. Within our own ingenuity and determined effort. ‘Make America great again’ is a bumper sticker for victimhood. But we are not victims. We are the creators of opportunity. Sure the system’s rigged. It always has been. So what?! We are a nation of immigrants who have consistently ignored the rigging. You won’t let us join your club? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own club. You won’t let us go to your school? %#&@ you, we’ll start our own school. You won’t let us earn money your way? %#&@ you, we’ll earn it our way. You won’t give us a chance here? %#&@ you, we will go elsewhere. You want to know what makes America great? I got two words for you.” Chuck Lorre Productions