What I do to get out of a rut

Even when you know it’s all a cycle, when you’re in a slump it’s not easy to remember that. It can be work to get yourself out of a rut. You’ve gone down that road so often that it’s worn down in the shape of your shoes. But familiar and comfortable doesn’t mean it’s healthy […]

I ordered my rebounder exercise trampoline today

I ordered my rebounder exercise trampoline today.  http://www.walmart.com/ip/Marcy-40-Rebounder-with-Handle/17272577 The price was down from $66 to $39 and I couldn’t pass it up. Galpal Pam Jacobs has the same one and turned me on to it. The bff has one and I enjoy jogging on his. Very low impact on the joints yet still a good […]

Was at the gym when it opened at 7:00am working arms, shoulders, back and core. Afterward did a lap on the trails at Turkey Creek, then picked up the man and walked it again. My legs are happy!

Do You Procrastinate? Brain Hacks To Help You Meet Your Goals

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/04/how-to-avoid-procrastination_n_7204032.html?ir=Science asks “Having trouble motivating yourself to work toward a future goal? Whether what you want is two days or 20 years away, new research finds that the key to avoiding procrastination may be to change the way you think about time. Break down the time into smaller units. If you have a paper due […]

I’ve been reading hiking trail journals

I’ve been reading hiking trail journals and notice that many hikers begin at age 50-65 with no prior hiking or fitness experience. Most are worried they won’t be strong or fit enough to walk 10+ miles a day for weeks with a 20-40 lb backpack but notice they gain strength and endurance every day on […]

At first I was flattered when, coming back from the gym all sweated out and stepping into the grocery store, that a young guy walked with me from the parking lot giving me compliments. But then he kind of followed me in the store and was waiting when I came out. That’s no longer flattering […]