Your astral body gets addicted to the emotional charge of telling a painful story. Only you can take yourself out of that trance.

It’s not easy to turn your attention away from what is bringing you down, but you have to do it if you want peace. No matter what it is, it is only a thought you are dealing with, and you are the one in charge of those. Sure, troublesome thoughts arise, but we can train ourselves to change our focus to a better feeling thought and bring ourselves out of a funk.   A friend wrote he can’t get out of his mind that he somehow caused a loved one to die tragically.  It’s not easy when the troublesome thought is about someone you love, especially if you feel responsible. I lovingly reminded him: “One way to stop triggering the pain is to stop repeating the story on a weekly basis. I know it’s not easy to break the habit, since talking about it keeps her alive in your consciousness. But telling the story keeps you in the pain. By repeating the story, you put yourself into a trance and the pain body is addicted to the emotional charge of telling the story. There are new stories to be told, new things every day to appreciate. It’s crucial for mental health to seek out and focus on good things in the now. They are there waiting for you to notice them.

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