Once you tap into inner guidance, you can enter into constant conversation with the voice in the head

working in gardenI have a habit of feeling guilty when I choose to spend time alone rather than with a friend.  It’s not just that I have a lot of things around here waiting to be done, it’s also that I enjoy my own company and look forward to time alone to garden, to paint, to do home projects and repairs.  I like doing things alone because only when my attention is focused within can I access the inner voice of my internal guidance system. If someone or some sound is present, my attention goes to them rather than within.  In the silence is when I get to spend quality time, pleasurable time, with Spirit and inner guidance.  And it’s not just an empty mind space, although there are times it is that as well. I found that once you tap into inner guidance, if you’ve got an inquisitive nature you can enter into constant conversation with the voice in the head, asking questions, discussing answers, working out issues past and present. 

Like Googling every query, seeing the answer, asking the deeper question, seeing the answer, asking the even deeper question.  That’s often what is going on within me when you see me watering the garden or mowing the lawn, painting or cleaning out my garage. Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and come to understand the deeper meaning of everything around you, everything you only half see and think of as mundane, ordinary and frankly rather boring.  When we get bored, we’re merely missing the deeper message.  I used to pride myself on all the things I got easily bored with, thinking well, I’ve been there, done that, let’s quickly get on with the next round of stimuli. Then as I began to truly awaken, I realized that although I’d had many experiences, I’d not yet begun to drink deeply of Life. I’d gotten bored with things because I’d only skimmed their surface and, in my self-absorption, I’d not reflected deeply on anything.  There was a whole world waiting for me to discover it, as soon as I got over myself.  That, too has become a lifelong process.

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