New agers are Lucifarian? Where do people get this stuff?

Just saw a Facebook post about “new agers” workshipping the Universe and being Lucifarian. Having published Florida’s new age magazine for 21 years, many are misinformed about what new age is. Worship the Universe? Never heard that. Lucifarian? ROFL . There are fanatics in every genre who come up with all sorts of stuff that the unknowing take it as what many believe in.  When driving out of state, I once tuned into a radio preacher that was telling the listeners what new-agers believe in. Holy sh*t no wonder the “christians” are scared to death of the words. That’s ok, when someone quotes me from the bible, I have the same reaction. The bible the word of God after millenia of re-writes by politicians? Unlikely at best. Educate yourself and and get a grip. Don’t let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy.