Life after the election: It’s up to me what I experience because it’s up to me where I choose to place my focus

house left standingLots of people are unhappy with election results.  But that’s always the way.  Lots of these people didn’t vote. But that’s always the way.  At times like this we are encouraged to practice knowing that nothing that happens in the world needs to affect our happiness.  It helps to remember that during a storm, the small, slim willow bends in the wind while the giant oak, firmly rooted, may break and fall.  A storm may rage on all around us, yet we be completely safe and untouched where we are.  Entire neighborhoods may be devastated in an earthquake, yet that one lone house on the cliff remain intact. 

In 2004, Hurricane Jeanne destroyed 3 mobile homes surrounding one I own.  Mine had one scratch from flying debris and my tenant moved back in the next day. How did we escape damage while the storm raged on around us? Was it the prayers we said as the storm approached?  My tenant at the time was a very devout Christian.  Was it our faith that no matter what storm passed over us,  it was possible to be on the other side of it quickly enough, with little or no distress? Was it knowing that if my focus was strong enough to envision weathering the storm with ease and grace, that it would naturally come to pass?

I have learned it’s all about my ability to stay focused on what it is I want to experience.  Because what I am focused on can come to pass for me.  During Hurricane Jeanne, I felt safe and secure throughout the storm.  I awoke to find the oak in the back yard had uprooted and come down on my back porch. Even so, I was not distressed. My neighbor had a chain saw and two sons who had the tree cut away within two hours of me discovering it.  Soon after, insurance paid for all repairs including a new roof when I thought only a few shingles had blown off.

So staying focused on the good doesn’t mean you’ll never have anything “bad” happen to you. It means you come to realize the good in whatever happens to you.  In June 2003 fire destroyed acres around me and stopped at my prayer circle.  Prayerful intent can be powerful and can stop a storm — any kind of storm — in its tracks, whether a hurricane, a fire or a new political party.

Maybe it’s because of my daily meditation practice the past 40 years but I always feel as though it’s under control — everything.  That no matter what the appearance of anything around me, someOne or someThing with a Greater Plan has it under control. And if I have faith that I will come through fine and upgraded on the other side of it, I will.

How do we call a storm into our experience? We call it to ourselves by attention to it and worrying about it and talking about it with friends, voicing the worst “what if?” scenarios over and over.  Help friends find happiness and contentment no matter where they stand by teaching them to seek the good in what is happening around them in every moment. That’s where your value lies. How much suffering can you relieve?

Lots of friends are suffering right now, unhappy with election results.  I know that no matter who is or isn’t in office, I can find happiness.  I know that no matter who is or is not in office, I can have a good experience in life, I can find my niche, I can discover my purpose, I can find an ideal job, I can find love and pursue my dreams.

bending tree with textOr I can go on a downward spiral because I let myself be influenced by the grumpy ones around me. It’s up to me what I experience because it’s up to me where I choose to place my focus. If I can hold my focus while being unattached to how the Universe delivers happiness to me, I can bend like the willow, remaining flexible so I may recognize the gift when it appears.  If I am inflexible and hold on to an idea of how my world is going to look if so and so is in office, I will miss the magic in each moment as it comes.

I don’t want to miss a moment of the magic this life is.


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On voting
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