Kudos for the one who can keep up with me: best bf ever

best bf trophy copyI’ve got an odd schedule. I’m self employed but work several “jobs.” I publish the magazine, I do psychic readings and astrology reports , I script and record self hypnosis mp3 files for myself and others, I create websites, I do contract work writing and editing. This keeps me sleeping at odd hours and doesn’t leave much time for long periods of socializing. In the past, my mates’ most typical complaint: I was a workaholic with little time for them.  They were not incorrect.  I’ve always felt mission oriented. My work was never just a 9-5 job, even as a criminal defense paralegal for 22 years.  I also lived monastically for many years and got used to living in a lot of silence and solitude. That’s a comfortable and fulfilling place for me.  I realize in retrospect I’ve never been a relationship type of person.  I realize now I just hadn’t met the right one.

The relationship I was in was never the most important ingredient in my recipe for happiness. It was all about me and my work and what I felt led to do and whoever came along and wanted to be involved for any period of time, was.  I didn’t mean to be that way. I didn’t know I was being that way.  Then I got a lesson with a friend whose only interest was all about them. It took almost 2 years to see what was happening.  Wow, so that’s what it’s like, huh? That’s not how I want to be. When my partner came on the scene, I told myself I’d do things differently this time.  Six months in, we’re still juggling work and sleep to make time, and our saving grace is we live around the corner from each other and both work from home.  We motivate each other in our daily work throughout the day and he’s very understanding and agreeable to my work and to my schedule.  The biggest argument has been… wait, we don’t have them. He genuinely likes me no matter what I do or don’t do, he’s not critical or picky, he’s focused on his work and his own mission and he’s not into drama. Whatever I did to deserve him, yay.  Best boyfriend ever!