It’s up to me to create what I want to see

beach girl readingI’ve been getting lots of sleep lately, a welcome change from the insomnia I often have. The plus side of insomnia is that I always have time for yoga, meditation, creative visualization, working out, projects and cleaning. I used to think I needed to be awake and working up to 18 hours a day in order to get it all done. When I get enough sleep, however, I’m much more productive. Then on those days when I’m napping for 14+ hours a day, I can whip through the work in just a few hours because I’m rested and able to focus and think clearly. It’s been a Starbucks and beach weekend. Yesterday we walked through the art festival in Cocoa Beach then hung out on the sand at the Boardwalk drinking caffe americano decafs with soy milk. I’m loving the feel of moving at a slower pace. At times it feels like I’m on a continual vacation. I still have as much work as I can handle, but when I stop obsessing over “I should work a little more,” I stop overbooking and find I have plenty of time for everything I want to do.  

One big project I did this weekend was rearrange my main office. That’s the one I live in. Anything I had in there that I hadn’t used in six months was taken out. I filed a mountain of papers and moved my music collection into the back office. I relocated two rolling tables and a bookcase to the shed. I cleaned the floors and desktops.

Now when I walk into the office, it feels inviting. I have a clear desk to work at, with organized in-boxes and clean, uncluttered desktops all around me. I’d begun feeling oppressed by all the paperwork I had to look at each day, until I remembered that I was the one who created my own view. I could leave it messy or I could straighten it up. It was up to me to create what I wanted to see.

Once I looked at it that way, it was easy to see what to do next: File away the piles of papers. Make a place for everything and put everything in its place. Genius.

Another highlight of the weekend: I just ate the rest of the Thanksgiving leftovers and can still zip my jeans!  Once again, proof that it is up to me to create what I want to see.

RELATED:  I declutter my office at the end of the year