It’s helpful to remember

Many Facebook friends are disgruntled over the treason du jour but at times like this it’s helpful to remember (1) No matter what he’s putting into place, there are powers at work to remove him from office, after which his many decisions will be re-evaluated. And (2) We experience much suffering when we think we only get one life and one body and this is it and it seems hopeless. That’s simply an inaccurate scenario someone made you believe because someone made them believe it. When we leave elementary school, we look forward to middle school. When we leave middle school, we look forward to high school, then we look forward to college or getting a job.  God would not stop an acorn from growing into an oak, nor a tadpole from becoming a frog. He would not prevent hot water from becoming steam, nor cold water from freezing. These are just natural changes from one stage of “life” to the next. So don’t worry about what he’s doing, spend your time enjoying this life while knowing that when your time comes, you’ll move on to the next life — in the twinkling of an eye. You’ll go to sleep here and wake up there. Like magic.

Let’s do some ho’oponopono for the current administration, here’s the technique –> Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for Donald Trump and the current administration

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