If I think I have a message for you, that message is for me

mirror girl holding chains copyI’ve learned that every time I think I have a message I need to tell someone, that message is for me. You, too.  Wait, I can’t say that. If I think it’s for you, it’s for me. If you think it’s for me, it’s for you. If either of us are thinking there is a “you” and a “me” that are not one and the same, we are hilariously mistaken. Always, I ask, “What is my lesson in this? If this is for me, please show me how it applies. If I feel offended or in any way triggered, I know I have emotional work to do.  Please open my eyes, guide me to that work and give me strength to accomplish that work.” That’s a variation on the prayer I said for years, “Guide me to do your will and give me strength to bear your will.”  The words of my prayers change as I awaken to an ever-deepening understanding of the nature of God. The deeper my understanding, the more I realize there is zero separation between any of us, and the quicker I rebound from feeling offended.  It’s a process. It still happens. I think I have a message for someone and it turns out that message is for me.  Thankfully I am quicker to recognize it than I used to be. Did you think this message was for you?