I manage to attract a Brighthouse debacle and get to spend Christmas Eve day with their service techs

All my Brighthouse services went down December 23rd: cable, internet and phone.  I found out about midnight when I sat to work online and do my evening calls.   I followed and flagged down the Brighthouse truck I saw drive by my house and he came and looked my system.  He got internet and cable back up and I had to wait until Christmas Eve for phone, a new modem and cable box.  They came on time and connected those and left. Then I learned the laptop could not get a signal, so I made another call in.  Hours later, they came back out. The first tech couldn’t resolve it and he called another who did.  After I spent overnight trying to do my research over the small screen of my cell phone, it taught me to get a larger phone so I can surf the internet and actually read it.  So at 8:00 I run out to  Best Buy and I was out by 9:00am with my new HTC One V cell phone.I can’t complain when things the Brighthouse debacle happen since I know full well that on some level, conscious, unconscious or karmic, I attract all of it.  The forced time away from technology allows me to take inner time, contemplation time, away from all the distractions, for good or bad, of the outside world.  My best formula to keep the balance of attention outward and attention inward is about 50/50.

What did I learn from this?  I learned that I can be too complacent and settle for a lesser experience than I need to when I’m too comfortable in my life.  The result is I was compelled to buy a new phone at a great price, and I got all new equipment from Brighthouse.

Are you settling for a lesser experience than you need to?  Is there more available to you for very little effort, more that could make you happier and make your life more meaningful?  Trust me, there always is.