I goofed but attracted an easy fix

web serverLast week I transferred all my websites to a new server and this morning I emailed the old server to cancel my account — not realizing I had to do another step and change my nameserver DNS numbers FIRST. A friend called me as I was on my way out of town to let me know my website was down. My first thought was “Live and learn, thank you Mercury retrograde. At least I did it at noon on a holiday weekend so maybe this means I won’t be playing with my websites all weekend.” It was my fault for always multitasking, not making sure ahead of time exactly what the next steps were and when I should do them. Yay for email on my new phone. That made it easy to pull off the side of the road and ask my old server right away to restore the account for 24 hours so I could make the change. I acknowledged it was my error and apologized. They gave me 72 hours. Thank you law of attraction for giving me evidence — via an easy fix — I’m doing something right.

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