I get an unexpected discount on my print job after doing a fave visualization about dollars coming in

Wow, people are throwing money at me now! I just got more evidence my daily visualizations work:  Sunday I got the May Horizons Magazine off to the printer.  I called this morning at 8:00am to make sure they received it and that all was well.  It was.  Yay!  I could go back to sleep! Two hours later I’m awoken by the printer calling to tell me my job was printed and “they goofed it up.”  He told me the goof.  I yawned. It was no big deal.  I mean, Horizons is not Time Magazine. He apologized and offered me a discount on the print job.  Yay!  Unexpected money!  Last month the visualization I’d been doing was the one in this link: I get evidence my visualizations are working, where my viz topic was about “finding unexpected money and sources of income that I may already have and have forgotten about.”  I read it over a few times each day and that was it. Dollars are fine and I’m grateful every day.


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