I didn’t recognize the answer the Universe gave me because I’d forgotten I’d asked that question until I reviewed the timeline

I just realized what a fast attracter I was in a past situation. I’d forgotten an important part of the timeline until I was reminded of it yesterday. I’d forgotten what questions I’d been asking the Universe, so no wonder I didn’t recognize the answer when it came. In July 2011, I began working with a friend about the man I referenced in The ladies man who presents himself as a guru.  Two months later, I attracted what would end up being with a similar man.  I wondered how I attracted it.  Now out of it a year and a half later, I see that I was vibing in that place because I was advising this particular client on her particular matter from July until September 2011 when I met mine.  I was asking the Universe the question, “How does this happen to these women? How can someone fall for that?” Question answered.  Now I know. I hold no grudges for mine, we all go through integrating our personality and what happened happened. I’m the better for it, I’ve made new friends through it. I don’t think there was premeditated mal intent with mine, but it ended up as it ended up.  The greater point is, had I been conscious and mindful of the questions I’d been asking the Universe, I would have recognized the answer when it appeared. Since I didn’t recognize it, the Universe expanded it for me to show me on a bigger screen.  It took awhile.  I finally got it. I’ll be more mindful in the future of what answers are being played out right in front of me. And I’ll sure as heck remember what I’ve been asking.


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