I created it for the fun of it and was rewarded with dollars

daydreaming $Some say I’m a lousy business person because, except for a few months a decade ago, in 23 years no one sells ads for me. The most I make ad calls is never, but a few times a year I’ll create an ad out of the blue on a whim. I woke up this morning thinking of a particular business who has never advertised with me, ever. I checked out their website. It related to an article I’ll publish next month, so I created an ad for them just for the fun of it. I emailed it with a note and within hours, they purchased my last minute full page ad space. An hour later, a former advertiser emailed me for a copy of her paid 2014 invoice. When I sent it to her, I included a note and a new little ad I created. She booked the ad for six months! In the afternoon, a galpal asked for a copy of her unpaid invoice, which I’d forgotten was outstanding. She not only paid, she wants an ad for the April Horizons.  My intent and attitude all week has been, “I wonder what exciting new person might call for an ad,” and “I wonder from what unexpected source today’s dollars will come?”  I do that on purpose when I am up on my publishing deadline and have ad space to fill. I take stock of what space I have available and translate that into a dollar amount, then I set my intention to bring in that amount by deadline.  On these deadline days, I make a point to ask myself several times an hour, “I wonder what exciting new person might call for an ad,” and “I wonder from what unexpected source today’s dollars will come?” I ponder for a few moments the last time unexpected dollars came to me, and how cool it feels when new advertisers find me. I bask in the good feeling of the memory for a few moments and remind myself I can feel that again, I can have that feeling again of new people and dollars flowing. Then I go back to working on what is fun to do. I’ve learned that when I create something just for the fun of it, I’m rewarded with dollars whether I “work” for them or not.