How to stop the cycle of weight gain while doing spiritual growth work

auraWhy did you start gaining weight when you began a spiritual practice? The metaphysical speakers will tell you you’re eating your emotions, you’re creating protection, and yada yada. More importantly, that’s when you began being aware there is an energy field, an astral environment around you, and that you can both influence and be influenced by this astral environment. Not only did you discover you had a huge super power (I can influence the thoughts of those around me) but also a huge responsibility (I need to monitor my thoughts and feelings so I am not caught up in the emotions of those around me and thus attract to myself a situation I do not want.)  Being bombarded with too much information at once with no time to process it is the same as eating too much and doing no exercise to process it. You become a bloated being who easily loses their balance. When you understand what it really is, the weight will stop being an issue.  

What’s happening is you’ve been taking in more information than you can handle. You’re not taking enough time to integrate what you’ve learned. You’re not taking time for creative expression. You feel restricted by responsibilities, then feel guilty for selfishly wanting to be free of responsibilities.

You don’t necessarily have to change what you do, it may be enough to simply change your perception of what you do. If you’re unhappy with your job, consider it part of your daily spiritual practice to see the good and the value in your job. Consider it an exercise in discipline to go into work, looking for something to like about each hour of each day and showing to the world that you enjoy your job and you’re good at it. This state of consciousness is what will attract new job opportunities to you, ones that will be more pleasing to you.

If you’re unhappy with your relationship yet have decided to stay in it, consider it part of your daily practice to find something about your partner to appreciate every time you are together. Consider it an exercise in discipline to stay in the Now and not bring into the present moment anything from the past. This state of consciousness is what will attract a happy relationship to you, that will be more pleasing to you. You may attract it out of your current partner or you may attract an entirely new partner.

I wouldn’t for a moment stay in a job if my mantra was going to for one minute be “I hate this job, when will this day end?” I would ask Spirit each day to show me something about my job to love, for something to genuinely appreciate. Not something I can pretend to like, but something that brings forth within my heartspace the feeling of love and appreciation and gratitude. Then I’d spend the rest of the day anxiously waiting to discover what it was.

If you’re going to stay in a less than ideal job or relationship, do yourself a favor and transform how you feel about it. Begin to use it as a part of your spiritual practice and daily discipline, looking for something that pleases you.

When you begin energetically flowing out as much as you are allowing to flow in, your physical and emotional bodies will balance themselves out. Bad habits and behaviors, fears and phobias will drop away as you come back into balance. That includes extra weight and food cravings.

It’s not about size and what you look like, it’s about the extra stress placed upon the organs and joints of physical body. Remember, like a favorite car, it’s up to you to make it last a lifetime. Getting caught up in the emotions of those around you pull energy from you, which you feed with food. With practice, you can break the cycle and live a healthy long time.  It’s a meaningful life, it just takes practice.