Get the question right and the answer flows, I promise you

question markTo attract the higher guidance, ask the higher question.
(1)  NOT “Should I put my father in a nursing home, or take care of him in my house?” Instead ask, “What do I need to know to decide on the best living arrangements for my father?” 
(2)  NOT “How might I encourage my mother-in-law to move out?” Instead “What do I need to know to get along better with my mother-in-law?”
(3)  NOT “How can I improve my work situation?”  Ask more specifically, “How can I improve the flow of work between Joe and me?

(4)  NOT “What is behind Joe’s drinking problem?” Instead “What role do I play in Joe’s drinking problem?”
(5)  NOT “Why am I the only one doing all the work?” Instead “How can I foster a spirit of cooperation concerning the work?”
(6)  NOT “How can I make people listen when I’m talking?” Ask “What is going on when I try to communicate, but feel others aren’t listening?”
(7)  NOT “Help me understand why I always blow opportunities?”  Instead ask “Help me find a way to overcome my issues and have a happy, productive and loving life.”

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