For the first time in years, my IN box is empty!!

My desk until today!

My desk until today!

Finally! All the bookkeeping is done! I’ve literally not been caught up with it in, well, years.  One problem is I make notes when I speak to people about an ad, then I enter the notes into my bookkeeping program so when we speak again, I can recall the conversation. An old paralegal habit. Since I speak to a lot of people, I end up with a lot of filing that I never get to.  Until now.  Now it’s done!  I am self employed.  I admit to goofing off a good part of many days, but when I work, I work. Last year I got motivated to pay down some debt and right afterward met someone I wanted to make time for. I’m lucky he’s a workaholic like me, and that he lives a block away.  It’s a good fit. I feel blessed.  I was inspired by him being debt free. I set a goal of paying off my car and a few other things by the end of the year and am real excited I’ve begun doing that. Being excited about it makes it happen faster.  Having the bookkeeping off my desk gives me room to breathe.  Room to breathe means room to play!

If you’re reading this, you’re in the flow