For every one I lose, a dozen more will come

That’s my basic belief about business, clients, anything: “For every one I lose, a dozen more will come.”  I never lament the loss of anything.  Something else always takes its place.  Growing up, I have a history of being a survivor of those who died. More recently,  in 2008, I lost Danny, a close pal from childhood.  In 2013, I said goodbye to one I thought would be a lifelong friend.  Two weeks ago my 14 year old Maine coon kitty Izzy passed.  A week ago I lost Wally, my closest childhood friend of 54 years.  That was the loss that took me by surprise and devastated me. With whom would I share history now?  Even in my emotional distress, I knew there would be those who came out of the woodwork to fill in the spaces, even  if I could not imagine right now who that might be.  In 2003, after 37 years apart, my brother Jerry resurfaced, after our father said he’d died.  So it was no surprise when a handful of cousins began finding me on Facebook within a week of losing Wally.  In addition, I reconnected with a fellow devotee and I learned one friend/ author/ client has similar background as I do and we’re forming a friendship.  We’ve spoken for years but never on a personal level; she’s a soul sister for sure. Several gentlemen have expressed interest, however I am seeking only brothers on the Path.  Best of all, Wally’s sister Linda and I have become closer through the shared loss.  It never fails: when the Universe “takes” one person from me, a handful more show up in their place.  I am blessed indeed.

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