Don’t plan on my sleeping habits to change or stay the same

Sleep restful by pinoIt’s deja vu all over again. Loved ones know that 4:00-9:00pm is my sleeping time. If I’m up then, I’m in a sleep fog and conversation is futile. I may not remember and I’ve told you this.  Calling to chide me for not being up — yet again — confuses me. Don’t count on me EVER being awake and coherent at this hour but the times I am, enjoy it in the moment. Don’t give me sh*t about it. This schedule works for me. What doesn’t work for me is having to repeatedly be in conversation when I’m half asleep about me being half asleep when you want me to be up playing. I don’t give you sh*t for not coming to play at 5:00am every day when I’m ready. Ok, as you were. <steps down off soapbox>