Category Archives: Meditation

What is the fruit of meditation?

The fruit of meditation is realizing that your bad habits are simply self imposed burdens that you choose to discard when you are ready.

RELATED: Andrea’s Meditation Process
Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay
Preparing For Relaxation; Preparing For Meditation; Daily Practice
Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is Transcendental Meditation minus the ritual
Paving neural pathways to achieve meditation and access elusive inner states
Regulate your body chemistry: meditation as anti-aging medicine

A list of meditation’s positive effect on some of your body’s chemicals

A list of meditation’s positive effect on some of your body’s chemicals

Here is a list of just a few of your body’s chemicals, and the positive effect meditation has on them:

GABA – Are you aware that people who regularly meditate have considerably increased levels of the neurotransmitters GABA? What is GABA and what makes it so good? GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and is best known for stabilizing mood disorders. Anxiety, tension, insomnia, and epilepsy are believed to be due to the failure to produce adequate levels of GABA. In a study at Yale, people with panic disorder were found to have 22% less GABA than people without panic disorder. Addicts, including those addicted to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine, food, gambling, and even shopping, all have one thing in common; not enough of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA. GABA is very important. Continue reading

Regulate your body chemistry: meditation as anti-aging medicine

Imagine being able to rid yourself of a host of medical or psychological maladies without drugs or psychotherapy. Imagine being able to turn back the clock naturally, without taking drugs and hormones. You can practice anti-aging medicine with non-invasive medical meditation. These are proven effective in one of the most overlooked forms of therapy available today.  With each passing day, you age.  Every morning perhaps you notice a sign-a wrinkle here, a gray hair there, an ache, a pain or a little bulge somewhere.  While you see the visible signs of aging on the surface of your body, beneath the skin there are telltale signs as well. Physiological studies have shown that your cardiac, pulmonary, musculoskeletal and brain functions are also declining as you become older. As time passes, minor damage mounts up and cells, organs and systems begin to wear out.

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A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts

This is one of the self talk scripts I read over to remind me of what I know.  I read this whenever I am having continuing thoughts that I want to replace with better feeling thoughts.  This is one set of replacement thoughts I use.  I read it over to myself until I realize that what it says is true.

I know I am in charge of my own wellbeing.

I know that what comes to me is a result of how I think about life and how I react to it. Continue reading

Andrea’s Meditation Process and links

Many people write and ask me how to meditate, especially on Facebook. I always suggest they read the book The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson . In it, Dr. Benson gives the exact technique as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s  Transcendental Meditation, but without the religious or spiritual overtones. The book also details what happens physiologically when you meditate.  Many people find it relaxing to listen to a guided visualization cd, where they close their eyes and allow their mind to follow guided imagery. They call this a guided meditation, but it’s not what I mean by the word meditation.  Here’s my process: Continue reading

Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay

Sit twice a day

Sit twice a day

At 4:00 each morning and afternoon, I sit for meditation.  For me, an hour twice a day keeps the outside world at bay.  That doesn’t mean I deny the existence of the outside, physical, material 3D world, simply that I keep a safe distance from it.  No matter what is going on around me, every 12 hours I take time to sit and re-connect with that deep, peaceful place within me.  I have a place of deep inner peace because I take daily time to cultivate it each time I sit to meditate.  Meditation can be likened to the fog that you walk in and then are surprised to arrive home soaking wet.

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Monroe Institute, Silent Meditation Retreats and Losing Time

Back in November 2006, I had an intense month, including a week long stay at The Monroe Institute in Virginia where I took their 6 day Gateway Voyage, then two weekends in Orlando back to back, doing Pranic Healing Level II with Master Stephen Co, and then attending the Hayhouse I Can Do It! Conference where I took the pre-conference workshop with Abraham-Hicks. I came to realize in a bigger way than ever before, that all things are possible; that we are only using a small fraction of our potential, that we have inner resources that are amazing. One of the first things that happened at The Monroe Institute was they took our watches away, and the clock had no hands. We were summoned to events with a bell. This was to ease us out of a time/space mindset so we could experience existence outside a linear time frame. While disorienting at first, it was very freeing and allowed new perceptions to emerge. That was only a warm-up to many very mind expanding sessions using Hemi-Sync technology. I surprised myself by memorizing everyone’s name after the first session! I thought that alone was a great testament that something important was happening “inside” my mind.   Continue reading

Meteor Shower; Meditation, Breathing As A Key To Youth

I was up early this morning, sitting out in the yard and watching the sky for the Perseid Meteor Shower.  The moon is at the last quarter and at 3:00am was almost right overhead.  It was hovering below and to the left of the Great Square of Pegasus, near the constellation Perseus, from where the meteors appeared to come. That just means the moon kept the night sky from being dark enough to see the dramatic meteor show we’ve seen in years past.  Some years friends and I will go to the beach late at night and watch them.  It’s a very magical and mystical time.  A meteor is a bright light cascading from the sky.   I like the Perseids shower because Helena Blavatsky‘s birthday is August 12, and her writings were an early influence to me.  I read much simpler fare now by far, but she helped shaped what I have come to know.  She was indeed a bright light that came steaming into my life, so I think it is fitting that her birthday coincides each year with this meteor shower.  According to legend, Perseus was able to behead Medusa by seeing her via the reflection in his polished shield, and his helmet of invisibility allowed him to escape.  I think that is, esoterically, what Blavatsky’s early teachings taught me: how to approach my personal demons through reflection upon what is in front of me.  And that being as transparent as I can be is my ticket to freedom. Continue reading

Mulholland Drive, David Lynch and Transcendental Meditation

David Lynch

Conscious David Lynch

I just saw the movie Mulholland Drive. It was on in the middle of the night and I’d never seen it before. I’d remembered that there was either a good director or stars I liked in it, so I decided to watch. I missed the first 20 minutes and I did not know it was a David Lynch film, but another 20 minutes in to it, I figured that out.  I was going to Google it and see what I’d missed, but I wanted to stay in the mystery and enjoy the unfolding so I didn’t.  I did however, Google “David Lynch” “Mulholland Drive” just to see if I was right, and saw: “Written and directed by David Lynch. After a car wreck on the winding Mulholland Drive renders a woman amnesic…”  and I also saw “Along Mulholland Drive nothing is what it seems.”  I figured if it was a David Lynch film, those two lines gave me as much background as I needed. Continue reading

Preparing For Relaxation; Preparing For Meditation; Daily Practice

Well, I finally got enough final layout work done for the next Horizons Magazine last night that I know it will be on time.  Actually, I’m typing this at 3:30am and I’ve just returned from a walk in my little patch of woods here.  I love being up in the wee hours and sitting in my woods at midnight.  No matter how frazzled I get doing my work, it always unwinds and relaxes me to take a walk outside and be surrounded by Nature. Of course, this is Florida in the summertime, so I treat it like stepping outdoors in any subtropical climate: insect repellent, sturdy jeans and boots.  My nights of stepping outside for a walk barefoot in my nightgown ended about the second time I was chewed up by misquitoes, got a tick and stepped in raccoon scat.  Continue reading