QUESTION: My question is will I win the lottery or any source of money to get out of debt and build my dream home. I’m disabled and live on a fixed income. I’m so far in debt I don’t see a way out!
ANSWER: Hi and thanks for writing. I’ve been asked this question before and the answer is always the same. The easy answer is, you’ll win the lottery when (1) when your expectation and belief attract it and (2) you have no resistance to it. You’re the one who determines what date and time that will be.
Doing this reading by email will be helpful to you because you’ll have a written record to go over again and again to remind yourself what is possible. Things like this I have to read little by little so it can sink in. Let me first say that no matter how desperate your situation seems right now, dollars can come to you out of the blue, from somewhere you don’t expect. As long as you expect and believe that it can, because if you think it can’t happen, you will prevent it from coming to you. If it’s hard to believe, then think of the next 30-60-90 days as an experiment in attracting a different experience in your life about money. If it’s hard for you to believe, then for those 30-60-90 days, put that belief on hold and accept as a possibility that money can come to you anytime from a source you don’t expect. Continue reading