Be mindful when sharing photos of friends and giving credit

no-photos-please-greenI’m loving all the RennFair pics posted this week, such a good time and beautiful weather for the costumery.  I’m as vain as the next guy and generally like to see a photo of me before someone shares it with the world.  That doesn’t always happen.  The nature of my work is that when I’m out and about with friends, there are lotsa photos taken.  In a group pic, not everyone is going to be happy with the look on their face. That’s the problem with candid group shots. Another problem with candid group shots is who else appears in the photo with you in the background and do you have their permission to share it?  I’ve seen pics of group shots with friends in the background that I knew did not want to be unknowingly caught on camera, nor appear on someone else’s page.  Innocent fun can be misconstrued by those not in attendance.  The best rule of thumb? If anyone else appears in your pics, get their permission before sharing. Also, as a publisher, I give photo credit each time I use a pic someone else has taken, especially if I use it in my promotion, like here above on my blog and in the print magazine.  It’s only fair.