As a journalist, I draw the reader’s attention to the good that is happening

see-the-goodI’ve learned to stay away from the news, simply because I don’t care to vibrate there.  As a journalist, I recognize the hype.  Journalists, by definition, put information in their own words and make it creative in their own way so it will draw attention.  Personally, my attention is never drawn to doom and gloom.  I’ve learned to be prepared for change.  To pre-pave into my future that I will feel hopeful and have deep faith, belief and expectation then as I do now, so that my happy tomorrows will be there waiting for me, they will take on lives of their own and call ME to THEM.  My attention is drawn by the most hopeful “what if?”  My attention is drawn by demonstrations of unwavering faith in the face of adversity. If, as a journalist, it is my choice as to what I wish to draw the reader’s attention to, then this is it:

What I’d like is for everyone to realize you are a soul encased within a body, a body which is your vehicle to use for this lifetime,  This means keep the vehicle running efficiently. You’ll save on repair costs and get a longer run.

A soul encased within a body also means you have control of the mind, and it is yours to use and command.   Your mind operates outside the physical brain and survives it after physical death of the body.

What I’d like is for everyone to realize is keeping the vehicle running efficiently also applies to keeping your mind active with interests, goals and curiosities.  You bored?  Unmotivated?  Oh, so you’re the one? Well, yeah, we all are, just get over it and do something about it.

What I’d like is for everyone to realize they participate in creating the reality they experience.

This means you.  You create and attract into your own experience.  Not that of your mother or your father or your ex or your mate or your children or your coworkers.  Just you.  Stop wasting energy thinking about what’s going on with them and begin to delve deeply into getting your own act together.  They will then miraculously also fall into place.

What I’d like is for everyone to realize is that no matter what is going on with anyone around you, you can have a different experience.

No matter what the media says is happening to the economy, you can have a different experience.

What I’d like is for everyone to realize is that if you simply keep your attention focused on what is going RIGHT in the world, in your community, in your neighborhood, in your home, you will bring more of that to light and you will help it increase and grow.

This is what is meant by participating in creating the reality you experience.  Look for the positive aspects, think the more hopeful thoughts, daydream the most fanciful, fun “what if” best case scenarios.  Don’t worry about what anyone else is thinking or doing.  It’s a tall order but you can do it  You’re up to it.  You have nothing to lose and a great happy life to gain.   The best is yet to be.


Everyone has their own agenda for how they want the world around them to work.  The media knows the best way to get people to think and act a particular way is to proclaim publicly that people already think and act that way.  Let people hear it and see it often enough in print that they begin to believe it’s true.  An amazing number of voters believe that what they see in print is true and accurate.

If I listen to the media spin on the economy, that doesn’t give me thoughts of a hopeful future.  So I don’t watch it.  I don’t listen to it.  I don’t read it.  I don’t want to vibrate there for a moment. Which is what you are doing when you watch the gloomy news. Let’s put it this way, to the extent you want to attract into your today and tomorrow a financial downswing, to that extent you should watch the news.  Or, for that matter, any shows about people in unhappy circumstances.

The media is smart.  They know if they can draw enough attention to a particular thoughtform, that thoughtform becomes strengthened and takes on a life of its own.  What this amounts to is self fulfilling prophecy.  The weatherman talks about gloomy skies and rain and we all get bummed out and attract more gloomy skies.  The news anchor talks about everyone pulling out of the stock market, so everyone starts pulling out of the stock market.  Someone publicly proclaims a certain ethnic group as terrorists and… you get my drift.

I also know that no matter what changes come about, in the world or in the economy or in my life, that I will without a doubt be guided to do something that allows me to meet my financial commitments and gives me personal satisfaction as well.  I could happily do what I do now for the next 20 years and love it, but I am also not so naïve as to be unprepared for change as it comes.  I like looking ahead and feeling hopeful about my future, even if I don’t know how it will play out.