Armand Della Volpe: No Wonder Artists are so Narcissistic

No wonder we artists are so narcissistic… It can be so exhausting.  “Look at me.  Listen to me.  Here’s our new CD.  Look at our new photos. Listen to the song I wrote. (that one always cracks me up because nobody/everybody writes everything). How do you like our voices. Come to our shows. I hope they like us. I hope we get invited back. I hope we sold enough to cover our expenses.”  This whole thing breeds insecurity and thus narcissism. We just finished a CD project and I was observing myself doing all of this stuff, much of which is a necessary part of the career. I used to be so righteous about writing “original music” (oxymoron) because I wanted it to be about “me, me me”.  The latest CD has only 25% songs we penned and 75% new arrangements to songs people already love.  I am finding it more and more appealing to share music of other people.  I have always admired folks that write with other writers but never really had much desire to do it myself.  Not enough “me” in that I guess. We have found ourselves avoiding large gatherings of artists for the past few years partially because the narcissicm is just too overwhelming.  (too much competition. lol)  Anyway, as I observe this phenomenon in myself, I am finding it easier to accept and understand it in others.  I don’t know how much this will affect how I relate to everyone but I do know I am much more aware of the dark side of this industry and why the people in it act the way we do.
Andrea’s note: Knowing Armand for 20 years, I’ve witnessed evolution and know him to be an outstanding example of taking the risk to be transparent, say what he feels needs to be said and to be as authentic and conscious as he can be in each moment, to move himself forward when he needs course correction, to share his lessons and to never deny his past. His reward for honesty and transparency? Inner peace and – icing on the cake – Angelina.  Visit

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