Are crystals just metaphysical nonsense?

crystalsA pal asked, “A friend made a disparaging comment about someone they just met and their interest in “Metaphysical sh*t”. Are crystals and collecting them something that could be labeled as a metaphysical based activity?”  I replied, “Meta-physical means going beyond the physical to intuit and experience the subtleties of the non-physical world. Not everyone is psychologically and emotionally prepared to do that. It’s not easy to find irrefutable science that collaborates their efficacy, just as it is for reiki, therapeutic touch, anything that requires the component of interaction with human consciousness, focus and belief. For those who want to disbelieve, no proof will suffice. For those who believe, no proof other than their own experience is needed.” Belief in a higher power would also fall under the heading of metaphysical sh*t, as would wearing a cross or other symbol of faith. When critics call it pseudo-science, remember that the Bible is pseudo-history. A belief in it and any perceived power behind would be the placebo effect. That makes it no less effective in working to change and heal lives. 

Masaru Emoto: Using conscious intention produces measurable effects