All you can wish for is all included in the price of admission

I once heard a great story about a very poor family who was taking a very long boat trip and they were so poor that they brought only bread and cheese to eat for the trip. So each day they are eating their bread and cheese sandwiches and the little boy sees the other kids eating ice cream and he keeps asking his dad to give him money so he can have one also. Finally the dad gives in, even tho they can ill afford it, and after awhile the boy comes back with his ice cream and a big grin on his face and he gives his father back his money. The father asks how the ice cream is and why he didn’t have to use his money, and the boy says, the ice cream is great and so was the steak and the hot dogs and the baked beans and the watermelon, and he didn’t have to pay for it, because it was all included in the price of the admission for the trip!

How often do we not know enough to ask for something or are too shy, when all the time it’s included in the price of the ticket?