Ailey Hines donates violin to homeless 10 year old Jazmin, thanks to a Facebook shout out

Jazmin with violin donated by Ailey Hines

Last Sunday, a friend shared a post on Facebook with a link to “Seeking violin for a homeless child: I am the Case Manager for a 10 year old homeless child, who is in need of a violin. She watches Charlie Daniels music videos of him playing all the time which has inspired her to learn how to play a violin. My clients school offers classes, but if you do not have your own instrument, then you must pay $10 a month, which is not in the budget of a young homeless child. That has not stopped her from sitting in the class to just watch and listen to the music of the violin playing. I would like to help this young child with receiving a violin. If your organization can help, please contact me. Receiving an instrument for a homeless child is like becoming a millionaire, a dream that she feels will never happen.” Facebook friend  Ailey Hines donated her violin to 10 year old Jazmin. She is a homeless child living in a shelter, with a love for music. This year Christmas came early for this child and remember that name!!! Jazmin, the violinist.”