A spidey sense hit and I get a handful of $50 and $100 bills

We are always where we’re supposed to be! I had an eventful morning.  I hadn’t planned on going anywhere except the bank to drive through a deposit. On the way home I realized I had my car loan file with me, so I stopped at the credit union see what my payoff amount is.  Forgetting I had my pajama top on under my hoodie, I unzipped it as I chatted with the woman behind the counter.  When she smiled, my spidey sense kicked in and I had the knowing that she had the same pair of pajamas at home!  When we finished, I asked, “You have these pjs, don’t you?” and she laughed and said she did. It was her spontaneous emotion as she smiled that gave me entry into her thought. The spidey sense rides in on their emotion. Hint: The more emotions of your own you have going on, the less accurate your spidey sense will be. 
As I exited the building, I sat a moment in my car and had the feeling something was about to happen. I saw a stooped over, elderly lady step out of the bank with a handful of cash, making her way laboriously to the car next to mine.  As the opened the door, she dropped her purse and her glasses fell off. It was windy, so I jumped out of the car and sure enough, $50 and $100 bills were flying on the ground. I jumped around and grabbed it all and handed it to her. Fumbling with her purse, she hadn’t noticed what I was doing, as she picked up spilled lipsticks and pill bottles.

She looked at me kind of distractedly as if she was trying to figure out what I was doing. I picked up her glasses, “You dropped these when your purse spilled,” I said to orient her. “You dropped these, too” as I handed her maybe a thousand+ dollars in $50 and $100 bills. She looked confused so I suggested she sit in her car and put everything in her purse.  “I saw when you dropped your purse and I picked up your glasses and things. You’ve got everything now.  Are you ok to drive?”  She put on her glasses and that calmed her.

I’ll be fine,” she said, “thank you. Can I hug you you?” I took the hug and refused the $100 bill she tried to hand me. “After all,” she said, “It’s only one and I have others.” We both smiled.  It is fun to run into people with that attitude. It lets me know I’m vibing in a good place. I can’t wait to see what else the new year will bring.