A return to breathing and sleeping

The past couple of weeks, my roommate has been hacking, choking and wheezing his way through a respiratory thang and yesterday he finally got medical attention. He received a breath treatment in the office, a sample inhaler and prescription for another, and a prescription for antibiotics.  Yay for Publix having free antibiotics!  He got immediate relief, and slept through the night for the first time in weeks.  That meant I also slept through the night, because he wasn’t out there with the tv on, and in and out the doors all night.  While he had the cough, he breathed better when he stood and walked, which he did… all night long.  Last night for the first time in a long time I was able to close my eyes at 11pm and didn’t open them until 7:45am.  Wow.  Awesome experience!  It’s interesting to note that it’s not the volume of the tv that keeps me awake at night, it’s the fact of it being on and whatever signal comes from that.  It keeps me on high alert and wakes me up every hour or two.  It’s an occupational blessing and hazard, this sensitivity. Right now I’m just sitting and breathing and loving life.