A pre-dawn symphony The Beloved gifts me today. My world changes when I get enough sleep.

A lovely light rain is falling. I can hear the ground soaking it up and the bamboo creaking. I love the sound of the rain dripping off the thin tree leaves and softly pounding onto the broad leaves of the bird of paradise and banana plant.  It’s a pre-dawn symphony The Beloved arranged just for me.  It’s been a busy week of phone calls and paperwork, and also connecting with good friends.  Last night, I crashed early and got 7 hours of sleep in a row!  My usual is 3-4 hours twice a day.  This has been a good sleep week, I’m finally back on my own sleep schedule.  Boy, my world changes when I get enough sleep. My mind clears and I can see that everything is manageable. An inbox that seemed overwhelming, upon closer inspection, is not. A stack of calls to be returned go quickly.  Calls coming in are handled immediately. Work gets done.  The To Do List gets crossed off.  I get time for fun and play and, most gloriously, SLEEP! Life is good.  I have no complaints whatsoever.

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