A Non Disclosure Agreement means you do not disclose

A friend tells a story about a conflict he had with someone he ghost writes for. Although they had a Non-Disclosure Agreement, he freely emailed private material to a 3rd party (who is also in the same business as the one he was writing for). The names have changed but I wrote: “I’ve been reading about the incident with Luke.  It’s not my place to get into your stuff, but non-disclosure means you do not disclose about that person or that topic, period.  If you’re ghost writing, you’re a ghost, you’re invisible, you don’t publicly exist in the world of that person or that topic, despite personal privilege.  If anyone knows you’re ghosting, then you’re no longer ghostwriting, you’re now editing.  Karmically, you’ve shared words of Luke with another writer, and those words have sparked connection within her and so basically now everything in her world is colored by that filter, which you provided. For better or worse.  Legally, any future product she produces if ever anyhow derivative of his inspired idea, would entitle him to legal compensation.  Especially since the info was transmitted by a party to a Non-Disclosure Agreement.  Which opens possible criminal charges since it was sent via email.  

Of course signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement riles you up, you came here for the purpose of “Disclosure”.   I’ve known you for lots of years, through agreements and disagreements about beliefs and the man you are now is more expansive and broader minded, and much less resistant by far.  However, it seems that “boundaries” is still one of your lessons, as is “defining”.

In contracts, we include a definition of terms so that everyone knows what everything means, it is all spelled out.  In speech, we don’t do that.  We say a word and assume the listener will hear and define the word the way we do.  They don’t, misunderstanding occurs, discord ensues.  Example: Say the word “peace” – how could anyone object to that word?  A lot of Republicans and evangelical Christians will think you are unpatriotic, spouting “peace”.  They don’t define the word they way you do.  You’re just unpatriotic.  You know the types: “If you didn’t vote for Bush, you hate Jesus”.

But you know what disclosure is, and although it’s not easy to overcome the proud self that wants recognition and acknowledgement, it’s a choice in every moment.  Trust that if you start keeping more and more juicy tidbits to yourself, that includes gossip in all forms, you will begin having that inner awakening and experience that place of experience without judgment, that place of true power you write about below.

It’s like that is your reward for letting thoughts and ideas cook within you, instead of lifting the lid off and letting the steam release, dissipating the energy by talking about it with others.  Your reward is a deep and rich stew, that place you call the void, that place in between, and it is a place of total enlivened and heightened perception and sensation and understanding and knowing.  The longer you keeper the info in and don’t share it, the increasingly deeper and richer your experience will be.  Gregg Braden calls that walking between the worlds.

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