A Foodie Quiz I put on Facebook

This was a Foodie Quiz I put on my Facebook page and I’ve been having fun with friends with it.  Let me know what your answers are.  Copy the below into an email and replace my answers with yours.  Send it to your friends and to me at horizonsmagazine@gmail.com

What is your favorite comfort food? soup
What is the fast food you grab most, whether it’s a fave or not? Wendy’s oriental chicken salad maybe twice a year

What is the meal you eat the most, whether it’s a favorite or not? soup and veggie stirfry
What is your favorite dessert? fruit, if anything
What particularly do you like about it? it’s light and fresh

What are your favorite vegetables? onions, peas, green beans, carrots, greens
What are your favorite fruits? Honey Crisp apples, pears, pineapple, figs, clementines
What is your favorite snack food? apples, clementines

How much time each day do you spend cooking? maybe an hour total
Do you make a grocery list before you go shopping? yes
Do you plan meals ahead of time? not usually

What travel snacks do you most often take on trips? baby carrots, rice cakes
When you travel out of town, do you look for a favorite franchise restaurant to play it safe, or venture out somewhere new? If they have an Asian restaurant I will go there, otherwise any steak house where I can get a big salad and grilled chicken breast.

What are your favorite franchise restaurants? Applebees, Chili’s, Texas Roadhouse

If you had a personal chef to cook for you every day, what would a typical day’s meals be?
Breakfast: Scottish oatmeal and fruit, with fresh squeezed juice
Lunch: An innovative salad with grilled chicken or fish, and fresh cooked veggies
Dinner: An innovative chopped veggie salad, with a home made soup
Snack: Fresh melon or crudite with hummus

Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal trainer? A personal trainer.

Would you rather have a live in personal trainer or a live in housekeeper? Hmmm housekeeper

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