My Ganesh with Bass will be the May 2015 cover

Ganesh with bass 5-15 coverI love that my burst of painting has given me almost two years worth of cover art. Here’s my Ganesh With Bass, he’s the May cover of Horizons. Known as the remover of all obstacles, the first prayer during puja is traditionally to Ganesha. Any auspicious work or project in Hinduism is begun with an invocation to him.  Ganesh’ vehicle is the rat, because the rat can chew thru anything.  I show him here with a bass guitar, painted for the bff, who plays bass in the kirtan band Rayananda. The bass is symbolic with Ganesh, as it provides the bottom and is deep and foundational in nature. It holds the groove and locks the band together. Just so, giving your first prayer to Ganesh before any new undertaking gives it a good foundation and helps hold the vision for its successful completion.  Ganesha can be seen all over my home and office in many forms.

RELATED: Doing a series of paintings as a form of shamanic soul retrieval
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