Don’t even react when someone is trying to stir a cold pot

Take it into your meditation as an opportunity to practice grace under pressure

Take it into your meditation as an opportunity to practice grace under pressure

In a reading today, Domino was concerned that a former business partner was bringing up old gossip and acting as though it was new news.  What to do when that happens?  Ignore it. Don’t react.  You don’t even know it’s happening.  You have enough things going on in your own life that you have no time to pay attention to someone trying to stir a cold pot.  Consider it an opportunity to practice grace under pressure. Your life is your message. It will pass soon enough. Add no fuel to the flame. Take your attention off the drama and it will drop out of your life. The fact they think it’s about them and can’t drop it shows the issue is theirs. Bless them, for there but for the grace of God go we all.

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