Another midnight shift begins

150I’m working on the March magazine and the almost-full moon just appeared over my left shoulder.  Her moonbeam is now shining brightly into my office window. I went to sleep about 6:00pm and woke up at midnight.  Our ancestors used to sleep twice a night and that’s a schedule that is most natural to me. My first sleep is usually between 4-8pm and my second between 4-8am.  It makes it easy to work, since my highest energy is as soon as I wake up.  I can get lots done first thing in the morning.  It’s about 65 degrees out there, and it’s a still night. Moon is full at 7pm Friday –> see full moon ritual here.   

I love working quietly on the computer in the middle of the night.  I’m blessed to have the life I have: to work from home, to do work I love and find meaningful, to be on my own schedule, and to have a partner who is jiggy with it all.  It’s been fun putting together the new magazine, I have several new ads and they are always fun to create.  I was thinking the other day as I moved art supplies around, that I’ve not sketched or painted in awhile.  It’s something I used to do almost daily.  Most of my artwork now is in the form of graphic design and layout on the computer.  No hand to pencil, no brush.  I must find it just as satisfying. At least for now. And that’s all there ever is, isn’t it? Now, right now, this holy instant? Right now, I’m sitting in a moonbeam, looking out the office window at the full moon through the oak branches. Right now, I hear the crickets, the hum of the computer and lamp, and the sounds inside my own head. Something is rustling in the woods about 20 feet away, most likely that fat raccoon with her rowdy pups or the family of armadillos who dig and grub through the yard each night.  Thanks to them, I have the richest, most aerated soil. I love living on this land. It’s easy to feel grateful here. And yes, I know I both attracted it and created it.  Whoever or Whatever there Is out There: thanks for letting me be a part in this joyous co-creation.