Tarot Card of the Day: Knight of Swords

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.

MEANING:  Knights often mean that someone or something desirable is about to seek you out. The Knight of Swords also points to your physical, emotional, and spiritual energy being at a peak. If you’re waiting for news, you will like what you hear. The Knight of Swords can point to lots of activity, travel, being out and about, getting things accomplished. You are unlikely to feel like waiting for anything to come to you; that’s a good thing… go after your heart’s desire.

Work: This is a particularly good omen if you are looking for work. A job that you’ve been hoping for may suddenly appear. If employed, things are about to get a lot busier, in a very positive way. You can get so much accomplished that you may make your peers look bad. That’s mostly their problem, but don’t be obnoxious about it.

Love: You may literally be about to be swept off your feet. If you are currently in a committed relationship, tt may be about to brighten up quite a bit and become more satisfying. If you’re looking for love, it may come along when you least expect it but you have to have contact with other people for the door to be open.

Finances: You may receive some cash that you weren’t expecting. Don’t spend it all in one place. Your return on investments are looking good. Keep doing what you’re doing. Share your wealth in whatever way you can.

Health: If you’ve been told to slow down a little, do as you’re told. The Knight has an element of somewhat grandiose energy and behavior. Yet doing your own homework into what’s ailing you can be helpful. You can harness your own healing energy and power now.

Spirituality:  The Knight points to a need for silence and space to deepen your understanding. It’s hard to increase your spirituality if you’re running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Remember one of the greatest affirmations ever offered to the world: Peace. Be still.

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