The firepit in my west woods is ready for Fall

I just returned from the firepit where I did a fall puja to renew the energy before we begin using that space again.  I unstacked all the bricks and stacked them together again a little different way.  I’ve been using the chimenea for my burning bowl ceremonies, so the firepit has become overgrown.  I untangled the grapevines and cut the foilage back about two feet around the circle.  It had encroached since spring, when the summer heat drove us to the east garden where it’s shadier and cooler.  I moved two chairs up next to the firepit.  Usually we sit on stumps of pine, but they are all rotting now and no new ones to replace them.   

I placed a grill along the back 1/4 of the open firepit to keep a tea pot on.  The pit is about 18″ deep, with bricks completely encircling.  One space for the firetender is about 18″ wide and 10″ deep.  We keep one water hose on site ready to distinguish the fire.  One thing I love about the city of Palm Bay laws about having a fire is that you can only do it when you’re cooking food.  That makes it mandatory to have a picnic at the campfire!  In go a few potatoes wrapped in foil, along with half ears of corn and cloves of garlic spritzed with olive oil.  I can eat that for dinner every night.  In the meantime, after I finish making a second grill top for my firepit, which I’m supposed to be doing instead of being in here typing this to you, I will then walk the yard and pick up some kindling and branch deadfall and have it ready for the next fire.  I love having different yards I can play in different times of the year.  The cycle makes everything old new again.

RELATED: Last evening at the firepit
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