Daily Archives: April 19, 2014

Even knowing what I know, it’s not always easy letting go

Bryan Tilford, so much more than friend and former partner, he was a spiritual brother on the Path

Bryan Tilford, so much more than friend and former partner, he was a spiritual brother on the Path

It’s been a challenging week. I’ve been busy with final layout of the May magazine and it’s been a week since a beloved friend passed.  brYan Tilford’s Memorial is today at 3pm at Unity of Melbourne. So much more than just a friend and former partner, brYan was a spiritual brother on the Path. He seemed to sleep as little as I do, so we had many late night conversations. There were worldly topics we had differing opinions about, but we were in accord about matters of the soul.  brYan had a deep faith and was very passionate about it. We’d take what was going on in our daily lives and dissect them for spiritual insights and lessons. Not everyone cares to do that. It gave us a deep connection.  brYan died of a big heart, Hypertrophic heart. Ironic, huh, but that’s how he made room for us all. I’ve been missing him this week, a week I needed to stay focused on articles and editing and ads and calls and deadlines.  I took many breaks. I did a lot of gardening. Like house cleaning, gardening always helps me sort my thoughts. It gives my physical body something to do: it engages my lower, concrete mind so that my higher, abstract mind can work out what I’m feeling. I’m feeling loss, although I know there is no loss. I’m feeling grateful that one day he and I will catch up and he’ll tell me the awesome stories of what he’s been doing since last week. Sadness? Ah, this too shall pass. I know to accept all things. It was a challenging week, but it gets better each day.  brYan’s memorial is today. It hurts me to be unable to go, but the “I” of me is there no matter where my body has to be. So for now, it’s back onto the Path, one foot in front of the other, hand to the plow, life goes on.

MORE ABOUT BRYAN:  Rest in Peace, brYan Tilford
What I got when I asked brYan Tilford for a Crossing Over Song
The end of death as we know it