Daily Archives: April 10, 2014

HALLELUJAH Big surprise for Bride and Groom… Chris and Leah Wedding April 5, 2014

Happy birthday to me!  It’s an Allelujah kind of day.  I’m not sentimental and don’t believe in marriage but this video is awesome, the priest who marries the couple unexpectedly sings a customized wedding song for them  —>  Big surprise for Bride and Groom… Chris and Leah Wedding April 5, 2014.  As I was watching this and singing along in full voice last midnight, I heard the neighbor’s car door slam. I wonder how long he stood in the driveway across from mine listening to my Allelujahs out the window. I thought I’d be safe since he keeps the a/c on…  Here’s a version of the original song I love by K.D. Lang, and one by Espen Lind, Askil Holm, Alejandro Fuentes and Kurt Nilsen. Here are Leonard Cohen’s lyrics to Hallelujah       Continue reading

12 Easy Steps to Prepare Yourself for Handling Earth Changes

Drunvalo Melchizedek on preparing for Earth changes:  “We meditate to understand our connection to God and to all of life. When we know our connection to God and to all of life, we can view events like Earth changes without fear or worry.  If you really think that you are a little being inside a body and everything out there is totally out of your control and has no connection to you — that way of interpreting reality, which many people have, it’s going to be a very fearful situation. That kind of person needs to begin to do internal work. They need to begin to work on their emotional bodies, physical bodies and get into a spiritual path and begin to understand the nature of who they are, and that there is only One Spirit moving through everything.”  With the news and the talk about Earth changes, it can look out of control if you get wrapped up in it. It’s comforting knowing that with a little daily work we can get to a place of inner knowing, where we truly feel connected and safe and protected and loved. Here are twelve easy steps to prepare yourself for handling Earth changes. Continue reading

The fireflies are out tonight

I just came back from a midnight walk under the waxing gibbous moon. I love walking alone in the dark cool night, alone with my thoughts. It’s my nightly review of all the cool things that happened to me throughout the day! The fireflies are out and the neighborhood is looking especially magical. I’m blessed to live where I live and be who I am and have the loved ones I have. Thank you Whoever is in charge of that – including me for attracting it.