$9.99 Jeans Look Fine on a Million Dollar Butt

Last week I ate heavier than I usually do and piled on 4 extra pounds.  I usually stay within a 2 pound range so when I put on my fave jeans, they were kinda tight.  I knew the culprit: I’d eaten mince pie the day before!  I’d put waist darts in the jeans when I bought them 4 years ago, so I simply cut out the waist darts to gimme an extra couple of inches. I’d forgotten the reason I put the darts in the first place was because the waist stretches out in those pants.  So I spent an hour at the post office while mailing packages and doing paperwork, holding my pants up with one hand.  Not cute!

The fact is that I have five pairs of my favorite jeans, in 2 different sizes.  When the smaller size was too tight, I automatically reached for the larger size.  They fit perfectly.  Because of that, I refused to wear them.  Because I know that’s how it starts: you just one day step into a larger size.  Not me.  I have been down that road in the past life: no thanks.  That was when I thought to remove the darts to let the waist out the extra 2″.  I was so glad later than I did not wear the larger size.  I would have had to buy a belt or go home and change.

Finally, I compromised and put two of the four darts back in.  Of course, by then I’d dropped the extra 4 pounds, so I may as well just not taken them out.  Then yesterday I went into Beall’s Outlet to buy a belt to wear with the jeans. I used to wear belts all the time, in my 20’s and 30’s when I sported a 24″ waist.  Those days are gone but I’d kinda like to rock the belted look again.

While I was in the store, I checked their jeans, since Beall’s Outlet is where I have been surprised to find my best fitting jeans and swimsuits ever.  I’m tall and long waisted.  My waist is 12″ smaller than my hips.  I have a J-Lo butt.  This all adds up to there are only a few stylists who cater to that shape.  The straight up and down boy shape is more popular than the hourglass and remarkably, the Just My Size model 5125 jeans, even when made in Kenya or Indonesia, are the right proportion.  I tried on 16 pairs of jeans, and 3 fit perfectly.  They were $9.99 each.

I remember paying beaucoup bucks in the 1980’s for designer jeans, Jordache, Calvin Klein, Gloria Vanderbilt, Liz Claiborne, spending $150 on a pair was nothing.  But, as usual, it was all about perception.  My perception back then – when I was totally hot and didn’t know it – was that the expensive name on the jeans made me look like a million bucks.

Now my perception is that even $9.99 jeans can look good on my million dollar butt.

Consciousness upgrade!


In case the FTC is wondering, I am not endorsing anyone.

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